The monkey god. Reminding me of both the monkey mind chattering away constantly in my thoughts and my essential primate nature. A companion of Rama, one of the seven immortals and a central character in the Ramayana. The God of wisdom, strength, courage, devotion and self-discipline. He holds a light up to aspire to. When I was a teenager the program "Monkey" was on the TV weekly, it was a heroes tale loosely based on Hanuman, I always made sure I caught it. I also have a memory of visiting a temple dedicated to Hanuman in Hampi when I was in India. We were there late at night, lying on the still warm rock shelf, I heard a noise of something beating on the rocks and then about fifty monkeys ran over the top of us, jumping over us as they passed, pretty amazing. 60cms x 60cms (24 inches x 24 inches). Prices include postage to the UK and Europe.
