Art for Sale

If you find artwork you'd like to purchase add them to your shopping cart, and once you have completed your order the website will send me your name, email and address so I can get the order to you. Because of the complexities of postage and packaging calculations I am including postage in the price, I will reply by email with bank transfer details. There is a trust thing going on here, don't rip me off please, I won't rip you off, I'm quite nice really. I may change over to paypal if this all collapses around my ears, we'll see. If you find artwork you like but it has already been sold then please do get in contact and we can talk about some sort of commission along the lines of what takes your interest.

PRINTS   -    I'm not keen to be honest but willing to have a conversation about it. Getting the paintings professionally photographed and then paying for the prints in various sizes is a drag, better I spend the time effort and money on producing more paintings. Buy the original, go on, it'll be a lovely thing to own.